Why Winter might be the perfect season for your personal branding photoshoot

Transitioning from summer to winter for a summer lover feels extreme! If I would prefer living in a country where summer is on all year round, I’m determined to making the most of the cooler season, though! Residing in London I’ve come to terms that, days are getting shorter (only until December 21st hurray) and temperatures will drop considerably. Not everything is to hate about Winter, don’t youI love the Christmas atmosphere with all the sparkles in town? Bring on crisp clear days, mulled wine, a hot chocolate waiting for you at the end of a walk and aSunday pub lunch! Autumn and Winter doesn’t mean that we have to hibernate, the cooler season has true on location photo shoot perks here’s why!
1.The magic of winter light!
I’ve no intention to be your geography teacher, but here’s why the gorgeous lighting! Winter in our hemisphere means that we are closer to the sun and the rays are hitting us at a shallow angle making the light softer and less harsh than in summer. Have you ever noticed the gorgeous light we get in Winter? This beautiful light will illuminate your face for portraits with a nice and soft glow!
2. Less of a crowd
Brrr! It’s cold outside! Tourists might not choose the coolest winter months to visit London which gives us more opportunities to play using London streets and Royal Parks as a background for your personal branding photoshoot.
3. Gorgeous locations on a budget
Had your eyes on a beautiful location to hire for your personal branding photoshoot? Winter might be the period where they would be more than happy to have someone booking their venue or being featured in a photo shoot, work on your negotiations skills and book that place!
4.Glamour dress on sale
Christmas and New Year well over, shops will be desperate to shift their stock of evening frocks. This will be your opportunity to glam up your personal branding photoshoot. You might even try your luck with charity shops like Save the Children with Mary Portas.
5. Explore new locations for your photoshoot
As London, other cities might be less busy with tourists, February- March when everybody is escaping to ski in the Alps, planning your dream photo shoot in Paris, Rome or Barcelona in winter might be the right time for you. And don’t forget about the gorgeous winter light!
PS. Are you full on, for a Winter Personal Branding Photoshoot? Get in touch